Shin-Biofermin S新表飛鳴

Shin-Biofermin S Mechanism of Action




Firma Chun Cheong


Full Prescribing Info
Lactic acid bacteria keep the balance in intestinal flora by suppressing the growth of harmful bacteria and maintaining good health.
However, the intestinal content of lactic acid bacteria is disturbed by many factors such as altered food intake, change in environment, etc.
SHIN BIOFERMIN S Tablets is a preparation of lactic acid bacteria for intestinal regulation, and controls bowel condition and gives satisfactory effects against loose stools, constipation and meteorism.
Combination of three species of lactic acid bacteria: S. faecalis which rapidly produces beneficial lactic acid for intestinal regulation, L. acidophilus which produces abundant lactic acid, and B. bifidum which produces acetic acid as well as lactic acid and settles down well in the intestinal canal, are combined among a large number of lactic acid bacteria.
Satisfactory effect of intestinal regulation: The three species of lactic acid bacteria mutually cooperate, and decrease harmful bacteria and noxious substances in the small and large intestines, resulting in satisfactory effect of intestinal regulation.
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